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Hearing Guard- For all your hearing  loss prevention needs.

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Hearing Protection Custom Made Ear Plugs- Molded Ear Plugs for Industry, Musicians, Shooting, Sporting and Medical

Hearing protection custom ear plugs

High Pitch Industrial noise and sudden impact noise is the most damaging.

Hearing Guard (an Australian Company) provides hearing protection ear plugs that are OHS compliant. Our molded ear plugs guards you from the damage that excessive noise and prolonged exposure to water will have on your ability to hear. We focus only on the provision of custom ear plugs/ear defenders specific for your needs.

Hearing Guards custom ear plugs have a noise reduction rating of 28dB with built in technology that is scientifically designed to protect your hearing while ensuring complete environmental awareness. Using Hearing Guard’s exclusive “gun syringe technology”, we can ensure our custom ear defenders are comfortable, hygienic and a well fitting device each and every time. Further more, they are manufactured and ready for use with in 60 minutes. The soft silicon technology of our ear defenders  ensures all day comfort. They are so good that Hearing Guard’s ear moulds are the product of choice for Queensland Police Service Firearms Training Officers. As Hearing Guard’s Custom ear plugs have been tested to a Noise Reduction Rating of 28dB, they easily comply with Australia and New Zealand standard for hearing protection devices.  https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/national-code-practice-noise-management-and-protection-hearing-work-3rd-edition

Hearing Protection Custom Ear Plugs Applications

It does not matter if the need is work, leisure, hunting, sports shooting, or a medical condition requiring hearing protection as the Hearing Guard team have over 20 years medical experience. We will be able to advise a hearing protection solution to suit your needs.

Custom ear plugs need not be an expensive option. Hearing Guard pride ourselves in providing affordable moulded ear plugs hearing protection solutions. It does not matter what your needs are, Hearing Guard can develop and manufacture a custom ear plug hearing protection solution specific to your needs.

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Electronic Ear Defenders

Hearing Guard’s SoundGear™ custom products are for those who refuse Electronic ear defendersto compromise when it comes to performance and personalization. SoundGear™ moulded ear plugs are digitally customized to the wearer’s ears, and ensures protection from muzzle blasts, while helping you hear clearly to optimize communication, success and safety in tactical situations, simulator, or on the range. USA Law enforcement officials, tactical teams and more use SoundGear™ to protect their hearing from muzzle blast and explosives, while benefiting from digital sound enhancement.

SoundGear custom hearing protection is manufactured by Starkey Australia part of one of the largest hearing aid manufacturers in the world. SoundGear™ delivers unprecedented sound reproduction, but with instant suppression of impact noise. Made specifically for the USA hunting and sports shooting market, SoundGear™ delivers exceptional hearing protection but without the exceptional price.

Hearing protection ear defenders molded ear plugs

Custom Made specific to your Hunting, tactical or police enforcement  needs.


If you want to take your hearing health to the next level,
you came to the right place.

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All of Our Clients

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